The Explore Center provides advising and resources to help students choose a major. Their services can be broken out into three different audiences: Pre-Health students, Pre-Law students, and Undecided students.
The Explore Center staff are a fun, passionate bunch and they wanted their web presence to stand out against all the other UNL sites. Always ready to break the rules, I suggested a highly branded site that was fun and geared toward each of their three audiences.

Using a piece of print recruitment material a fellow designer for UNL created for the Explore Center, I forged ahead with the “explore” theme and created a series of icons mean to resemble merit badges to represent each of the programs. With programs like “Pre-Cytotechnology,” it got pretty difficult to represent each one graphically. Luckily, good ol’ fashioned research was the hero of the day. My favorite badge happens to be the one for Mortuary Science.
The badge icon set
Select each icon for full view
Pre-professional program template
I created a custom content type for each pre-professional program, putting the power of editing back in the hands of the Explore Center team.
Staff bios
In lieu of business cards, the Explore Center staff had baseball cards printed with photos and other information on them. I tried to recreate this experience on the Staff page with CSS animations: