Telephone booth

Gearing Up For the Push

Hello friends.

You may have noticed a new theme on Yes, it’s pretty. Yes, it’s simple. No, sadly it’s not mine.

This lovely theme is called Simone and it’s by one of my WordPress heroes, Morten Rand-Hendriksen. It’s built on the _S theme and it’s just what I need right now. So, why the switch at all?

My old theme was so poorly built and just couldn’t keep up with the times. I’ve begun to get hundreds of spam emails a day, just because I was dumb enough to code my email address into the footer of it.

Mostly, though, I didn’t like the way my old theme looked or worked and I needed something nice to put up while I finish…

The new

It’s being built on _S as well. I’m making it from scratch. And it’s so pretty. There’s just the little bit about how the portfolio should work. I’m busy figuring out the best way to present my work and how exactly to make that work. But, oh, it’s going to rock.

Thanks, as always, for bearing with me as I labor from within my little web bubble.

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